EverQuest and computer game addiction

December 26, 2002 at 12:00 AM

Category: Internet & Technology

Tuned into CBC radio today to hear the end of a broadcast expose called "Head Games" dealing with computer game addiction and it's affect on families.

One mom talked about how her son pretty much stays up all night playing games then sleeps well into the day, missing weeks or months of school.

She comments that since he paid for the computer with his own money then there's not much that she feels like she can do. But she does seem to think that it's better knowing that her kid is in front of a computer rather than skateboarding late at night.

Hmm... is it really all that better?

I tried looking for a transcript of this broadcast and came across this previous article. Apparently, some guy shot himself with a rifle because of EverQuest last year.

Sony, of course, is making billions of dollars from EverQuest so a life lost here and a family ruined there doesn't seem to be of their concern.

Another person in today's broadcast talked about how he's made $50, 000 in the past two years from competing in online gaming tournaments and wants to go pro. (paraphrased: "I don't need no college education.") His dad use to frown upon his gaming addiction but now that the money is coming in, the dad is proud.

So what happens when the money stops?

This scenario reminds me a lot of professional sports. And look at that industry now... They use to be on top of the world but now they're restructuring their marketing in order to bring in more youth to make up for the aging sports fan population.

I'm all about the multi-user internet experience but this... I don't know... There's something seriously gone wrong with society.

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