Backlog of notes

April 25, 2003 at 12:00 AM

Category: Art & Design, Events, Internet & Technology

My notes from Images and FITC 2003... I don't even need to type these up but I mostly use this weblog simply to jog my own memory when needed. :)

Images Festival (April 10-19)

Highlights from the Boxed Life screenings:
+ 8.7mb by Jeremy Bailey was great! (Click on placeholder to play. You should also check out Bye Bye Bye)
+ Chair/Screen by Takashi Ishida was so beautiful.
+ God Bless America by Tadasu Takamine was outrageous.

Highlights from the NegativLand screening/talk:
+ Don't have much time to comment on this right now so here's a link to NegativLand.

FlashintheCan (April 15-17)

I was pretty scatterbrained for most of this festival since I was stage manager for the smaller stage and, because of that, I ended up worrying constantly about what time it was and freaking out whenever the audio and internet didn't work. All the good code tidbits went in one ear and out the other. It was a good experience and I met lots of people but definetely hard work... next year, I'll just pay for a ticket!

Here's what I can put together in order of appearance:

+ Brendan Dawes' book was the first Flash book that I ever read which really put the designer/programmer ideal in focus for me so it was great to see him in person. Brendan is hella funny and pretty down to earth. Key: Put your audience first and test, test, test.

+ Andries Odendaal makes the most gorgeous interactive systems! Besides his isometric experiments, here's his walking skeleton that I saw a couple months ago. Play some Whizball. There was also this HP photo paper game with a little buggy that drove around an office desk... link anyone?

+ Kymberlee Weil gave a really good talk about getting more business in the Flash industry. One of her projects was Intro (goto mixed grill, then projects) which is somewhat similiar to my alphalpha project except with video. Key: network, network, network.

+ I missed most of Grant Skinner's talk but his gModeler application looks really useful. I still don't know exactly what it does but I was blown away by Grant's website. You should go check it out... it really articulates the relational navigation that I had wanted to make for this site.

+ Can you believe that I almost kicked Robert Penner off the stage because of mistaken identity? I'm so stupid so go buy his book. (Really, I hear good things about it.)

+ Glyn Thomas kind of came out of nowhere and showed off some amazing stuff with 3D in Flash. I didn't even think Flash could do that! And it looks relatively lightweight in delivery too. (As a side effect, it makes me want to put some effort into learning Lightwave but then I remember doing that paper tutorial and I wince.)

+ Colin Moock went through the new Unity 2 release and it definetley looks much easier to implement than Unity 1. More summer fun...

+ So that's about all I was really able to retain about the talks. I'm disappointed that the two other female speakers had to cancel though. All this hubbub about equal rights, yada yada, and I don't even get to see if they live up to expectations. (I'll save my rant about women in technology for another day...)

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