Let's just not talk

February 19, 2004 at 01:12 PM

Category: Personal

I met with Rob and Steve to discuss one of our school projects yesterday.

Being that Rob is a backend/systems type of guy, Steve a visual conceptualizer person and I the designer/developer fence sitter, you would think that working together would be a perfect fit but -- as happens with group projects -- nothing is as easy as that.

After an intense 2 hours of tossing ideas back and forth it became pretty evident that, while we respect each other ideas, our different approaches to working made it hard to figure out a tangible objective for the final result which would include all of us.

So as the meeting broke, I think all of us were feeling pretty frustrated and not looking forward to having yet another roundabout meeting.

Then out of nowhere I suddenly blurt out that we shouldn't even talk about it anymore. "Hey Steve, you're a content guy. You make content. Rob, you take Steve's stuff and rip it apart. And I'll be the liason that puts those two things together."

I think I said it in jest (maybe even out of desperation?) but suddenly it was the moment that everything we talked about clicked into place.

And thus, a new media exquisite corpse was born.

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