Pop!Tech DVD set Electronics classes at AnarchyU


Posted Thu, Dec 30, 2004 at 11:28 AM
Modified Thu, Nov 2-, 2004 at 18: 1 PM

Clusty is a cool new search engine from Vivisimo.

Actually, not that new since I remember seeing a version of it a year ago but, with a name like Vivisimo, it wasn't memorable enough to compete against the simply named Google.

"Clusty" doesn't roll off the tongue very well either but the concept is killer: put in your search terms and it'll give you a list of results like any other search engine (in fact, it aggregates the results from multiple search engines) but the side panel to the left will give you options to filter the results by relevant groupings... meaning you'll probably find what you want faster.

Clusty gets bonus points too for having previews. Click on the magnifying glass icon next to a search result and it'll load up the target page in an inline window. You can even open up multiple inline windows so you don't have slow-loading websites or 404 errors slowing you down.

Oh and the Clusty Firefox toolbar kicks major ass too.

Pop!Tech DVD set Electronics classes at AnarchyU
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