I call shotgun!
Posted Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 11:12 PM
After much deliberation and floorplan pinching, everyone who is presenting their thesis with me in the sound stage has settled on a spot.
This picture shows the rafters that my LEDs are going to hang from. As a bonus, the glass in the windows should act as an amazing reflective surface if I lower the hanging height of the LEDs.
Beyond the smaller window, Amy will be doing a performance peice (kind of 80's music/sci-fi inspired) and I think that it will turn out amazing. We both agreed that her room, glowing with different colors from the television screen and lightbulbs she'll be using, will be a perfect backdrop for my 80s-esque "LED orb" (as I have taken to calling it), and vica versa.
This next picture should give you an idea of how big the room is.
Amazingly, Emily, due to the lack of short-range (I think that's what they're called) video projectors, is actually taking up quite a bit of it to do two rear projections. Her peice incorporates changing colours of light so our pieces should co-habitate quite nicely.
Paul, Adrian (another light-based piece), and Yana are also in the sound stage with me.
After we get some promotional material together, you will all be invited. :)